Thursday, March 5, 2020

GCSE Chemistry Atomic Structure And The Periodic Table

GCSE Chemistry Atomic Structure And The Periodic Table Getting To Grips With The Key Themes In Chemistry ChaptersThe Importance Of Knowing About Atomic Structure In The GCSE Chemistry SyllabusWhy Do I Need To Learn About The Periodic Table As Well?Ways To Get The Best Possible Results In Your GCSE Chemistry ExamA subject like chemistry can be an exciting subject to study as a GCSE. However, chemistry curricula, like many subjects within the sciences, comprise a huge number of different topics that students are expected to get to grips with.The number of chemistry topics you have to study as part of your chemistry GCSE may vary depending on factors such as:Which exam board you’re studying with; andWhether you’re taking chemistry as a single science or as part of a combined science GCSE.However, there’s no getting around the fact that there will be a lot to learn, especially if you’d like to do well in your final GCSE chemistry exam.Some of the main areas you’re likely to come across during your GCSE chemistry studies include learning about atomic structure as well as learning a bout the periodic table.This article highlights why these topics are so important when learning about chemistry, and also provides a few tips on ways you can revise for these topics and for your exams more generally.Atomic structure is one topic that you'll almost certainly learn about during your GCSE chemistry studies. (Image Source: CC0 1.0, geralt, Pixabay)Helium (He);Potassium (K); andMagnesium (Mg), among many, many others!As part of your GCSE chemistry syllabus, it’s highly likely that you’ll be taught a little about the history of the periodic table, and you may well come across the name Dmitri Mendeleev, who was a Russian chemist credited for making an early version of the periodic table in 1869.Although Mendeleev’s version of the table is not quite the same as the modern periodic table that is so well-known today, it was a great stepping stone.The modern periodic table comprises periods and groups.When looking at a periodic table, you can see that various elements ar e arranged in rows according to their atomic number. These rows are also known as periods. Another key feature of the modern periodic table is the fact that elements that have similar properties, such as Helium and Argon or Lithium and Sodium, are displayed together in vertical columns, which are also known as groups.Start your  A Level chemistry tuition  right now.In order to do well in a chemistry GCSE exam, it’s vitally important that you understand the principles behind the periodic table, including the different groups within the table and how each group’s properties differ.One helpful way you can help improve your knowledge of the periodic table is to buy a copy of the periodic table and to hang it in your house. Or, for an even cheaper option, you could take a picture of the periodic table and save it as a picture to your phone. Being able to regularly look at the table may help you to remember where various elements are placed, and which elements are grouped together.How ever, this is just one suggestion to help you with your chemistry revision. Let’s look at a few more revision tips below.GCSE chemistry is a GCSE that requires some amount of revision before sitting your final exam. (Image Source: CC0 1.0, moreharmony, Pixabay)Ways To Get The Best Possible Results In Your GCSE Chemistry ExamStudying for GCSEs can be a really stressful time. Not only do students have a whole range of subjects to revise, whether that’s maths, statistics, English, and the rest, but it can also feel as though it’s hard to dedicate an equal amount of revision time to each subject.For instance, some students may be tempted to spend more time revising subjects that they’re naturally interested in or have better marks in, and as a result, may spend less time revising subjects that they find trickier.Ideally, as part of a balanced revision schedule, you should be able to dedicate your time fairly evenly across all subjects. This should mean that you have enough time to work towards getting that 7, 8, or even 9, in your favourite subject, while also ensuring that you’ve revised enough to not fail another subject.To achieve this, there are a few revision techniques you could look to employ.Give Yourself Plenty Of Time To ReviseAlthough the image of a bleary-eyed student staying up all night in a desperate attempt to finish revising for their upcoming exams is a tried and true image in our collective consciousness, it doesn’t mean that extreme cramming for exams is a good way to revise.For subjects, such as but not limited to chemistry, you might find it much easier to revise for your upcoming GCSE exams if you give yourself some plenty of time in advance to prepare for them.That way, you should have enough time to revise the whole chemistry curriculum and perhaps even revisit or relearn areas that you aren’t as confident about. Everyone finds certain aspects of a subject challenging and other parts easier.Whether you struggle to learn about :The states of matter;Electrolysis; orOrganic chemistry analysis,Adding some extra time into your study schedule to address these problem areas should be beneficial in the long run, especially if it’s an area that you know is highly likely to be tested in the actual exam!Ask For Help If You Need ItWhen revising for any GCSE subject, including chemistry, it’s also ok to accept that you may not have a handle on every topic within the syllabus and as a result may need some extra help as part of your preparations for your upcoming chemistry exam.If, for instance, you’re struggling with the different groups of the periodic table, or feel like you need to know more about the history of the atom, including the evolution of different atomic models, then do feel free to reach out to your chemistry teacher to ask for some extra help.Equally, you could also consider hiring a chemistry tutor in the run-up to your exams. Sites such as Superprof have a wide network of tutors who can help st udents both during term time and exam time to improve their knowledge of any areas of the chemistry curriculum that you might not be confident about.Ultimately, the best chance of revision success is to find the revision techniques that work well for you. When it comes to preparing for your GCSE chemistry exam, this may mean:Revising topics like the periodic table, atomic composition, or the fundamentals of atoms, elements, and compounds;Going through past exam papers from your exam board; orHaving some additional hours of tuition with an experienced chemistry teacher.Through some trial and error, you’ll hopefully get to know how you best learn and revise chemistry, which in turn should put you in the best possible position to do well when exam time finally comes around!

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